Research Assistant salary while on maternity leave (Old ID 23547)
Principal Investigator
This grant is for a casual research assistant to continue my existing research experiments and assist with running my lab while I am on maternity leave. The projects the research assistant will be assisting on are: - Can species interactions drive rapid niche adaptation? This project examines how the temperature niche of a rainforest fly evolves when it has intense competition from a closely related species with a very similar temperature niche. - Species interactions and the evolution of mating displays and preferences. This project examines how male mating display and female preference are expressed when closely related species are present, with a view to examining whether they can rapidly change their signal and preference to minimise detrimental hybridisation.
01 Jul 2017 - 30 Jun 2018
Project Type
adaptation;speciation;niche evolution;biodiversity;species interactions;Mate Choice
Funding Body
QLD Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation
Project Team