Geology and ore genesis of the Dover Castle Sn + polymetallic ore field, North Queensland (Old ID 26398)

Dover Castle Metals Pty Ltd

Principal Investigator


Recent exploration work in the Dover Castle mining district in North Queensland has defined economically significant polymetallic (Sn-W-Zn-Ag-Pb-In) resources. Geological understanding of how these diverse metal associations occur at economic levels is currently poor, as is the knowledge of potential for further minerlisation at depth. This project will provide crucial baseline geological data, including geochronology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and igneous and hydrothermal alternation characterisation, to better understand the origin of the mineralisation, and the geological controls on its location. This project outcomes will allow more focussed mineral exploration targeting to improve the probability of discovery of further economically significant resources.


01 Apr 2019 - 28 Oct 2019

Project Type



Tin-tungsten;Mineral Exploration;Ore Deposit;Geology

Funding Body

Dover Castle Metals Pty Ltd



Project Team

Paul Dirks;Yanbo Cheng