Biosecurity in northern Australian prawn aquaculture (Old ID 25021)

CRC for Developing Northern Australia Scheme

Principal Investigator


This project addresses biosecurity risk through conducting the first comprehensive and widespread biosecurity audit of Australian prawn farms. This project has two components. The first is to conduct a biosecurity metanalysis using traditional and molecular diagnostic tools to establish what pathogens currently occur on prawn farms and how they relate to productivity. Secondly, once the pathobiome is established the project will formulate a risk management strategy for industry and provide on-farm biosecurity training. Understanding the risk of disease, and increased capacity to detect and monitor on-farm, will lead to more effective management practices for northern Australian prawn aquaculture.


01 Jul 2018 - 30 Jun 2020

Project Type



Penaeus monodon (Penaidae);Disease;Prawn;Aquaculture

Funding Body

CRC for Developing Northern Australia Scheme



Project Team

Roger Huerlimann;Ellen Ariel;Kelly Condon