Reducing End-of-Catchment Fine Sediment Loads and Ecosystem Impacts (Old ID 26961)

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Principal Investigator


A wide range of NESP TWQ Hub projects have focused on the source, transport, fate and impact of sediments on estuarine, coastal and reef ecosystems. These projects have responded to the Reef 2050 Plan water quality targets and Water Quality Improvement Plan aiming to reduce the loss of sediments from catchments to the marine environment. To better manage sediment losses and prioritise remedial actions, it is important to be able to understand and contextualise all of the issues that are involved in this sediment story, from managing catchment sources to defining which types of sediment cause the most harm in the marine environment. The synthesis report will include a list of gully prioritisation tools and sampling methods for detecting sediment and bioavailable nutrients. This project will provide a narrative and synthesis to bring all these threads together. Synthesis of this new knowledge will provide advice on practical on-ground actions for land and sea managers, policy implications and identify remaining gaps for future research and management investments.


01 Jan 2020 - 10 Dec 2020

Project Type



Sediment;Catchment;Great Barrier Reef;Ecosystem;gully

Funding Body

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment



Project Team

Zoe Bainbridge;Catherine Collier