Optimising concurrent cognitive and physical Training in military personnel (OptiTrain) (Old ID 27134)

Australian Government Department of Defence Science and Technology

Principal Investigator


The combination of different training types is common for athletes looking to improving fitness and performance however, this combination or ‘concurrent training’ may impair overall training quality and adaptations. Using the theoretical basis of concurrent training, this project will clarify the effects of concurrent cognitive and physical training on cognitive and physical performance. Project outcomes will substantially aid in the development of appropriate training and maximization of performance for military personnel. This project is being conducted as part of the Human Performance Research network (HPRnet) program of studies.


29 Sep 2021 - 28 Jun 2024

Project Type



Military;Physical performance;Concurrent Training;Cognitive performance

Funding Body

Australian Government Department of Defence Science and Technology



Project Team

Anne Swinbourne;Jonathan Connor;Kenji Doma