The Vector Control Development Network: a consortium of institutions to analyze malaria transmission and its reduction by any one or several vector control or drug-based interventions (Old ID 19173)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Principal Investigator


The VecNet project supports a consortium of institutions to analyze malaria transmission and its reduction by vector and drug based interventions. The project will facilitate the development of new vector control tools, collection of new entomological data and analysis of transmission risk as a function of vector ecology and behaviour. It will also support an analysis of the composition of tools needed to achieve malaria eradication globally. Importantly, it will also provide input about the potential impact of candidate new tools, to inform prioritization of investments.


01 Dec 2010 - 30 Jun 2016

Project Type



Malaria transmission;Anopheline biology;Transmission simulation

Funding Body

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation



Project Team

Michelle Barker