Ecological influences on biodiverse morphology in climbing geckos (Old ID 27210)
Principal Investigator
Ecological interactions are one of the main drivers of biodiversity generation. The influence of ecology on the morphology of organisms is one such interaction that influences the generation of biodiversity. Australian Diplodactyline geckos are some of the most morphologically and ecologically diverse systems in the world. They occupy a diverse range of habitats and have evolved unique toe pads enable the exploitation of several substrates within the habitats they occupy. Therefore, my project will investigate how toe pads have evolved in response to habitat use in Diplodactyline geckos. We will examine these relationships by studying habitat use and morphology, with locomotor performance as an intermediary link.
15 Apr 2021 - 30 Apr 2025
Project Type
Diplodactylidae;Locomotor performance;Morphology;Ecology
Funding Body
Ecological Society of Australia
Project Team
Rishab Pillai