Discovering the Faecal Microbiome Associated with Pre-Term Birth (Old ID 25095)

Townsville Hospital and Health Service

Principal Investigator


Development of the pre-term gut microbiome is important for immediate and longer term health outcomes. Much of what is known about the infant and neonatal microbiome has been derived from healthy full term infants. Collecting and understanding the microbiome of the TTH NICU cohort would provide a unique insight into the microbial development and in pre-term babies admitted to the NICU. This information will provide further evidence for interventions currently undertaken in the NICU such as administration of probiotics to infants <32 weeks. This project supports evidence-based multidisciplinary research in a novel way to assess the neonatal microbiome development.


24 Aug 2017 - 30 Jun 2019

Project Type



Human;Neonatal;Term or Pre-Term;Microbiome;Probiotics

Funding Body

Townsville Hospital and Health Service



Project Team

Roger Huerlimann