The impact of increasing ocean temperatures on the movement and behaviour of the iconic Indo-Pacific fisheries species, coral trout (Old ID 22898)

SeaWorld Research and Rescue Foundation Inc

Principal Investigator


Ocean warming is the most pervasive aspect of climate change, which impacts directly on the distribution, abundance, and population structure of fishes, as well as the viability and sustainability of fisheries. Tropical marine fishes are particularly vulnerable to ocean warming, because species are already exposed to summer temperatures that may have negative consequences for individual condition and fitness. Coral trout are among the most important tropical marine fisheries species, targeted by commercial and artisanal fishers throughout the Indo-Pacific. This study will explore if, and how coral trout mediate or acclimate to extreme temperatures, with a view to better understand the impacts of climate change on wild stocks of these important fishes.


01 Jan 2017 - 30 Sep 2019

Project Type



Coral Trout;Fisheries;Behaviour;Plectropomus;Climate Change;Temperature

Funding Body

SeaWorld Research and Rescue Foundation Inc



Project Team

Molly Scott;Jodie Rummer