Characterising IOCG and SEDEX deposits in the Mt Isa block with Cu-Zn isotopes (Old ID 26545)

Anglo American Exploration (Australia) Pty Ltd, Glencore Mount Isa Mines, Qld Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Principal Investigator


The Economic Geology Research Centre (EGRU) at JCU has proposed to establish Cu and Zn isotope lines at JCU, and build a reference database for Cu-Zn isotopes from mineral deposits in the Mt Isa district, starting witht eh well-known Mt Isa deposit. It is proposed to conduct an exploratory, proof-of-concept study of limited initial scope and time, to assess the usefulness of Zn-Cu isotopes for exploration in the Mt Isa area. If initial results are promising, we intend to extend the study.


15 Jun 2019 - 15 Dec 2020

Project Type



Copper isotopes;Mount Isa;Zinc isotopes;Pb-Zn ore

Funding Body

Anglo American Exploration (Australia) Pty Ltd, Glencore Mount Isa Mines, Qld Department of Environment and Heritage Protection



Project Team

Carl Spandler