Independent testing of solar panel cooling device (the B-Panel) (Old ID 23054)

James Cook University

Principal Investigator


Provide independent testing of a solar panel modification claiming to boost average power output by 30%. Testing will help progress the concept and current prototype further towards commercialisation. Test a collaboration model for new, early stage start-ups being trailed by JCU and iNQ. Aims to explore how access to JCU's technical skills, equipment and technical mentoring plus guided linkage with local entrepreneurial activities at iNQ e.g. Involvement in Start-Up weekends and membership of iNQ plus access to one-on-one entrepreneurial assessment, mentoring and training activities at iNQ improves the chances of success for micro and SMEs in commercialisation ideas.


01 Aug 2016 - 31 Dec 2017

Project Type



Solar panel modifications;Renewable Energy;Independent Testing;Start Ups;Building regional entrepreneurial capaci;Innovation incubators

Funding Body

James Cook University



Project Team

Wayne Morris;Warwick Powell;Daniel Christie