Cu isotope characterization of waters in the Mt Windsor Sub-Province, NE QLD (Old ID 27379)

Minotaur Exploration Ltd

Principal Investigator


Minotaur Operations has received funding through the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ) for copper isotope characterisation of groundwater sampled from active bores in the immediate vicinity of its Windsor Project in NE Queensland. The Mount Windsor Subprovince terrane covers significant Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) deposits and prospects, and VMS deposits in the district all contain New Economy Minerals including Cd, Cu, Au, In, Ag, and Zn. Building on existing JCU research findings, this collaborative project will characterize up to 50 water bores for major/trace elements and Cu isotopes, towards determining elemental/isotopic anomalies which may indicate mineralization and therefore aide Minotaur’s exploration program.


14 Sep 2021 - 15 May 2022

Project Type



Ore vectoring;Stable Isotope Geochemistry;Trace element geochemistry

Funding Body

Minotaur Exploration Ltd



Project Team

Ioan Sanislav;Ryan Mathur