Sequestering carbon and improving sugarcane productivity by enhanced weathering of basalt (Old ID 23432)

Leverhulme Trust

Principal Investigator


Arresting the build-up of atmospheric CO2 is one of humanity's biggest challenges. In geological time, the weathering of rocks consumes CO2, which is then sequestered as limestone in the ocean, but the natural rate of this process is very slow. In this project we will determine the feasibility of accelerating weathering by introducing crushed basalt (a common and easily weathered rock) into the place on earth with highest CO2 production and potential weathering rates - topsoil in the humid tropics. We will also examine the effects on soil condition and crop growth, which are likely to be beneficial.


01 Jun 2017 - 31 May 2026

Project Type



Carbon sequestration;Soil Fertility;Sugarcane;Water Quality;Great Barrier Reef;Agricultural Sustainability

Funding Body

Leverhulme Trust



Project Team

Michael Bird