Seagrass seed dispersal by marine mega-herbivores: Dugongs (Dugong dugon) & green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) (Old ID 21639)

Equity Trustees

Principal Investigator


This project will investigate the dispersal mechanisms of tropical seagrasses and determine which mechanisms are most effective for long distance dispersal. It will examine whether marine mega-herbivores (dugongs and green sea turtles) disperse seagrass seeds through their faecal matter and whether those seeds are viable. It will determine how long seagrass fragments, created by abiotic and biotic mechanisms, remain viable and establish new meadows. This information will be used to model which seagrass meadows are at greater risk of slow recovery after a large scale loss. This recovery model will have the potential to highlight which seagrass meadows rely solely on dispersal by marine mega-herbivores for recovery.


02 Mar 2014 - 31 May 2017

Project Type



Tropical Seagrass;Dugong (Dugong dugon);Chelonia mydas;Seagrass Dispersal;Seagrass Seed;Seagrass Fruit

Funding Body

Equity Trustees



Project Team

Brad Congdon;Rob Coles