Mission Research – Threatened and migratory species and threatened ecological communities (Old ID 27434)
Principal Investigator
This project will provide the research foundation for the ‘Threatened and Migratory Species and Threatened Ecological Communities’ functional Mission to support policy development, program management and regulatory processes to protect Australia’s environmental assets in terrestrial, Ramsar and marine environments. It will also facilitate the Resilient Landscapes (RL)Hub’s contribution to the three other Missions. It will identify prospective research projects through scoping, reviews and workshops and will support the co-design process with research users and researchers. Outputs include a review and priority co-designed project proposals for submission in subsequent research plans of all four Hubs and an overall research plan for this Mission.
01 Jul 2021 - 31 Dec 2026
Project Type
threatened species;threatened ecological communities;migratory species;extreme events;development concern
Funding Body
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Project Team
Stephen Williams;Damien Burrows;Andrew Krockenberger