RRAP CAD-01: Coral propagation and deployment (Old ID 27237)

Great Barrier Reef Foundation

Principal Investigator


Deployment device shape and material can considerably affect the growth rates and survival of recruits, but the optimal physical properties of deployment devices to maximise the survival and growth of a diversity of corals are not yet clear. For example, crevice size is an important physical factor that influences the survivorship of coral recruits and juveniles. Spatial structure of settlement surfaces can provide refugia from algae and release from grazing. The first part of the project consists of selecting potential device materials, porosities and textures that will be assessed for fouling and recruit survival. These will be first tested in the SeaSim and the most promising candidates in the field in across a range of environments and environmental gradients. The second part of the project consists of optimization and scaling up of the fabrication technology to produce millions of devices.


01 Oct 2020 - 30 Jun 2025

Project Type



Coral;Reef Restoration;coral substrates;coral propogation;coral development

Funding Body

Great Barrier Reef Foundation



Project Team

Breiana Whitehead