Improved feral cattle and buffalo herd management for environmental and economic benefits in remote Northern Australia (Old ID 26983)
Principal Investigator
The project aims to develop improved feral cattle and buffalo herd management for environmental, biosecurity and economic development in remote Northern Australia. It includes the following core components: 1) Development of a smart ear tag using GPS and Kineis satellite telemetry (France) - JCU lead agency 2) Testing and development of the ear tag at Fletcherview Research Station (approx. 100 animals) - JCU lead agency 3) Development of management tools for geolocation data - CSIRO lead agency 4) Deployment of tags on 1000 feral Buffalo and Cattle in the NT - CSIRO/NAILSMA 5) Development of on-ground capacity for herd management within indigenous community organisations - JCU/NAILSMA
09 Dec 2020 - 31 Dec 2023
Project Type
Bovidae Bubalus bubalas;Bovidae Bos taurus;Animal Tracking;Environmental Management;Indigenous Industry;IoT
Funding Body
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Project Team
Scott Mills