Integrating climate adaptation into rainforest restoration plantings (Old ID 26711)

Australian Genome Research Facility, Australian Research Council (ARC)

Principal Investigator


This project aims to investigate the impact of within species adaptation to climate on reforestation success in the Australian Wet Tropics. For a suite of six species of tropical tree frequently employed in rainforest restoration plantings in northeast Queensland, we will test the hypothesis that collecting seed from populations in similar ecoclimatic settings to the planting site will result in superior seedling growth and survival. The results of the study will allow us to provide practical advice to reforestation practitioners about the importance of matching the provenance of seed source to planting sites, and opportunities for selecting provenances pre-adapted to predicted future climatic conditions at planting sites.


01 Mar 2021 - 30 Sep 2024

Project Type



Restoration;Microbiome;Ecophysiology;Common garden;Adaptation;Rainforest

Funding Body

Australian Genome Research Facility, Australian Research Council (ARC)



Project Team

Susan Laurance;Darren Crayn