Council improving the water quality of the Great Barrier Reef through the use of smart sensors and the IoT for urban water management (Old ID 23533)

Department of Industry

Principal Investigator


The primary aim of this grant application is to bring smart city technology into urban water management to improve urban water quality discharging to the Great Barrier Reef by: 1). Developing IOT technology to manage large data sets obtained from existing smart meters and water quality monitoring probes to make effective management decisions; and 2) Supporting the development of new cost effective, real time water quality monitoring technology. This grant application is for purchase of commercially available water quality monitoring probes suitable for a tropical urban stormwater environment, for supporting the development of new real time monitoring technology for nutrients; for the development of data analysis tools using IOT technology for both smart meter water consumption data, sewer pump station overflow data and stormwater water quality data so that the data is available in real time and can be used for effective decision making.


01 Feb 2018 - 30 Jun 2019

Project Type



IoT infrastructure;Smart water sensors;Real-time water quality monitoring;Great Barrier Reef water quality;Urban water management

Funding Body

Department of Industry



Project Team

Niels Munksgaard;HanShe Lim