Progressing a Flora of Australia treatment of Ericaceae subfamily Epacridoideae (Old ID 27243)

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Principal Investigator


Generic boundaries in the predominantly Australian Ericaceae subfamily Epacridoideae (c. 580 Australian taxa) have recently been resolved following many years of phylogenetic research, paving the way for the description of undescribed species and a Flora of Australia treatment. We have completed the first part of such a treatment: species profiles and a LucID key of all 152 species of the capsular fruited taxa (tribes Archerieae, Cosmelieae, Epacrideae, Prionoteae, and Richeeae). The proposed project will complete the second part by describing 10 new species and completing species profiles and keys for 180 species of the remaining two tribes: Oligarrheneae and Styphelieae. This research will aid conservation efforts, particularly in south-western Australia, where there is a high level of diversity, with many species subject to multiple threats.


01 Jul 2021 - 30 Sep 2024

Project Type




Funding Body

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment



Project Team

Fanie Venter