Improving performance of bioreactors for treating effluent from land- based aquaculture. (Old ID 26969)
Principal Investigator
Effluent from land-based aquaculture is problematic because of its nutrient content. This project aims to enhance the performance of ‘denitrification bioreactors’ designed to remove nitrogen from effluent. It will be carried out on a barramundi farm near Innisfail. Availability of carbon appears to limit bioreactor performance, so the effect of adding molasses will be tested, under different conditions of salinity and retention time. The ability of the bioreactors to eliminate algae and parasites will also be tested. The results will be applicable to aquaculture farms throughout the tropics, facilitating more effective treatment of water leaving farms or being recirculated.
01 Jun 2020 - 08 Sep 2021
Project Type
carbon;Barramundi (Lates calcarifer);water quality;Denitrification;Nitrate;pathogens
Funding Body
Department of Industry, Mainstream Aquaculture
Project Team
Paul Nelson;Kelly Condon