Securing the frontline for health secure communities (Old ID 26522)
Principal Investigator
The aim is to build capacity to detect/respond to infectious disease outbreaks through frontline public health (human and animal) workforce which includes community members, volunteers, community health workers, environmental health workers, biosecurity and environmental officers and primary health care staff. This will be achieved through: Strengthened capability at community/primary care levels to anticipate outbreaks; Improved response at early stages of potential outbreaks; A quality timely and thorough response to outbreaks at the frontline level ; An operational learning and feedback process for continued improvement and currency of detection of and response to infectious diseases outbreaks.
01 Aug 2020 - 31 Dec 2023
Project Type
Health security;Infectious Diseases;Surveillance Systems;Community Engagement;One Health;Health workforce development
Funding Body
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
Project Team
Sarah-Jane Wilson;Sandra Downing;Tammy Allen;Lars Henning;Sarah Larkins