Strengthening the Quality of Dementia Care in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Residential Aged Care (Old ID 27652)

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

Principal Investigator


Aim: Develop and field-test an audit tool for assessing the standard of dementia care in Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander residential aged care (RAC), against Quality Standards and Best Practice guidelines for dementia care. Method: - Undertake scoping review on best practice dementia care; - Develop a standardised audit tool based on scoping review evidence; - Field-test tool to evaluate face and content validity and inter-rater reliability. Outcome: Best practice dementia care audit tool and accompanying manual. Significance: Groundwork for a larger funding application to Dementia Australia that will test the audit tool and inform the feasibility and acceptability of a continuous quality improvement approach for strengthening dementia care in Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander RAC.


01 Feb 2022 - 31 May 2022

Project Type



Ageing;Indigenous Health;Residential aged care facility;Dementia care

Funding Body

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)



Project Team

Diane Cadet-James;Rachel Quigley;Edward Strivens;Sarah Russell