Review of Glencore Water Quality Monitoring (Old ID 24938)

Glencore Mount Isa Mines

Principal Investigator


The quality of water discharges from the Glencore Bulk Storage and Handling Facility at the Port of Townsville is managed through an on-site treatment system comprising gravity stormwater filters and a centralised first-flush treatment facility. The specific objective of the review is to assess current water quality monitoring arrangements and provide advice on monitoring infrastructure/practices and data evaluation to ensure Environmental Authority compliance. However it also advances wider research aims concerned with the development of more targeted water quality guidelines and compliance assessment processes for tropical systems subject to extremely variable patterns of rainfall and runoff.


01 Feb 2018 - 31 Dec 2018

Project Type



Water Quality Guidelines;Dry Tropics;Environmental Authority;Compliance Process

Funding Body

Glencore Mount Isa Mines



Project Team

Christopher Williams