Making headway with Ericaceae – a contribution toward a Flora of Australia account of Epacridoideae (Old ID 24706)

Department of the Environment and Energy

Principal Investigator


Generic boundaries in the predominantly Australian subfamily Epacridoideae (Ericaceae; c. 580 Australian taxa) have recently been resolved following many years of phylogenetic research, paving the way for the description of undescribed species and a Flora of Australia treatment. This project will complete part of such a treatment by formalizing generic-level nomenclature, describing 25 new species and completing species profiles for all capsular-fruited taxa (c. 150 species). This research will aid conservation efforts, particularly in south-western Australia, where there is a high level of diversity, with many species subject to multiple threats.


01 Jul 2018 - 30 Jun 2021

Project Type



taxonomy;flora;systematics;new species;Australia;epacrid

Funding Body

Department of the Environment and Energy



Project Team

Fanie Venter