Proposed development of revised framework for operational and implementation research in health and disease control programmes. (Old ID 27222)
Principal Investigator
Strong, responsive and resilient health systems are the critical foundation for global health security. Health systems depend on effective functioning of both people and networks in order to implement effective disease control programmes, detect and respond quickly to infectious disease threats and develop evidence-informed policy/practice. The purpose of this work is to develop a revised framework for operational and implementation research (OR/IR) in health and disease control programs. This framework can be used to develop adequate and sustainable OR/IR capacity in public health programs and create an organisational culture of policy and practice that is informed by evidence-informed decision making.
26 Apr 2021 - 24 Sep 2021
Project Type
Operational research;Research education;Capacity Strengthening;Community development;Quality improvement;Western Pacific
Funding Body
World Health Organization
Project Team
Humpress Harrington;Maxine Whittaker;Michelle Redman-MacLaren;Sarah Larkins;Karen Johnston;David MacLaren