Smart Ear Tag for Livestock (Old ID 23414)
Principal Investigator
CeresTag is investing in the development of a smart ear tag for livestock to enable near real-time geo-location and health monitoring. The developed ear tag will be compliant with the current NLIS identification system and cost only marginally more than existing tags. This technology will revolutionise the industry through enhanced animal welfare, improved land management practices and increased profitability. It will form the starting point of block chain traceability that will underpin the continued success of this important component of the Australian economy and help maintain the premium status of Australian livestock products.
29 Sep 2017 - 31 Mar 2021
Project Type
Animal tracking;Internet Of Things;Microelectronics;Geo-location;Precision Agriculture;Beef Cattle
Funding Body
QLD Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation
Project Team
Scott Mills;Wei Xiang;Nigel Bajema;Bronson Philippa