Assessment of Renal Function in Neonates and infants using Cystatin C. (Old ID 27135)

Townsville Hospital and Health Service

Principal Investigator


Diagnosis of early acute kidney injury (AKI) can prevent renal failure in babies (<2 years of age). This non-invasive method validation study will utilise parallel alternative method testing for renal function tests, to examine the clinical applicability and accuracy of implementing Cystatin-C (Cys-C), as a preferred biomarker for early AKI by: (1) determining if Cys-C is a more sensitive marker of impaired renal function and decline compared to serum creatinine in this cohort; (2) determine if eGFR derived from Cys-C is a more sensitive predictor of renal function decline; and (3) produce a clinical reference range for Cys-C for this cohort.


26 Feb 2021 - 31 Dec 2022

Project Type



Cystatin-C;Renal Function;Biomarker;Acute Kidney Injury;Neonatal

Funding Body

Townsville Hospital and Health Service



Project Team

Donna Rudd