Assessment of Renal Function in Neonates and infants using Cystatin C. (Old ID 27135)
Principal Investigator
Diagnosis of early acute kidney injury (AKI) can prevent renal failure in babies (<2 years of age). This non-invasive method validation study will utilise parallel alternative method testing for renal function tests, to examine the clinical applicability and accuracy of implementing Cystatin-C (Cys-C), as a preferred biomarker for early AKI by: (1) determining if Cys-C is a more sensitive marker of impaired renal function and decline compared to serum creatinine in this cohort; (2) determine if eGFR derived from Cys-C is a more sensitive predictor of renal function decline; and (3) produce a clinical reference range for Cys-C for this cohort.
26 Feb 2021 - 31 Dec 2022
Project Type
Cystatin-C;Renal Function;Biomarker;Acute Kidney Injury;Neonatal
Funding Body
Townsville Hospital and Health Service
Project Team
Donna Rudd