Envenomation, first aid and critical care of tropical jellyfish stings (Old ID 21777)

Emergency Medicine Foundation

Principal Investigator


The first component of our research examines the use of vinegar for envenomings, and aims to provide evidence as to whether vinegar is beneficial or worsens an envenomation. The second component of our research examines whether the lethal effects of Chironex fleckeri venom are transient and whether there is a return of cardiac function. This has implications for good, effective and prolonged resuscitation. In the final component of our research, treatment modalities for Irukandji syndrome, has the potential to directly save lives and decrease the length of stay in hospital of envenomed victims as well as reducing the pain associated with the syndrome.


01 Dec 2014 - 31 Dec 2017

Project Type



Jellyfish;Irukandji;First Aid;Box jellyfish

Funding Body

Emergency Medicine Foundation



Project Team

Mark Little