ACIAR Lobster Nutrition Review (Old ID 26829)

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

Principal Investigator


A new ACIAR scoping project is being prepared in support of possible new ACIAR investment in tropical rock lobster (Panulirus homarus and Panulirus ornatus) aquaculture in Indonesia. A thorough review of literature is proposed in order to prepare for the nutrition and feeds development component of the project, ensuring that we apply the learnings from previous projects and current scientific literature. The review will inform the detail of the experimental approach in a proposed new ACIAR project, which will benefit from advanced planning prior to the project start to maximise outcomes (possible start in July 2021). In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented any scoping travel to Indonesia in the short-term, providing opportunity to complete a review and facilitating best use of resources once the project starts.


15 Apr 2020 - 30 Nov 2020

Project Type



Aquaculture;Indonesia;Lobster (Panulirus sp);Developing Economies;Crustacean nutrition;Review

Funding Body

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research



Project Team

Clive Jones