Securing the future of Australia’s threatened tropical mountain flora for science and society (Old ID 25045)

Wet Tropics Management Authority, Ian Potter Foundation

Principal Investigator


This project will enable us to secure the future of Australia’s climate-threatened tropical mountaintop plants. We will do this by building a multi-strategy ex-situ conservation reserve to ‘backup’ at-risk wild populations and support research, display and education. Our novel research on seed banking strategies, genetic diversity and plant tolerance of extreme climates will ensure that the reserve collections, distributed across multiple Botanic Gardens and Seed Banks along Australia’s east coast, incorporate high redundancy, are genetically and physiologically diverse, and climatically matched to wild habitat.


01 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2023

Project Type



plant conservation;plant physiology;botanic gardens;genetics;climate change;extinction

Funding Body

Wet Tropics Management Authority, Ian Potter Foundation



Project Team

Stuart Worboys;Alex Cheesman;Lucas Cernusak;Arun Singh Ramesh