Carbon sequestration via enhanced weathering of basalt applied to dry tropical rangeland

Consolidated Pastoral Company Pty Ltd.

Principal Investigator


To meet climate targets carbon dioxide must be removed from the atmosphere in addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A promising ‘negative emission technology’ is enhanced weathering of crushed basalt applied to land. Under suitable conditions, weathering reactions convert carbon dioxide gas to dissolved bicarbonate, which accumulates as bicarbonate or carbonate in soil or the sea. Grazed dry tropical rangelands provide a vast area where enhanced weathering might be deployed. In this project we will measure the amount of carbon sequestered in a dry tropical rangeland soil to which crushed basalt has been applied.


03 Jun 2024 - 02 Jun 2028

Project Type



carbon sequestration;savanna;climate change;net zero emissions;negative emission technology;beef cattle grazing;nature -based solutions;mineral carbonation

Funding Body

Consolidated Pastoral Company Pty Ltd.



Project Team

Paul Nelson