An Innovative approach to documenting the largest floods in the Wet Tropics catchments and determining their effects on pollutant fluxes to the Reef. (Old ID 27515)
Principal Investigator
The project examines the magnitude and impacts of past extreme floods in the Barron and Daintree Rivers using a wide range of information types that includes geomorphic evidence (slackwater deposits), historical documents and indigenous knowledge. This information will be used to estimate the impacts of these extreme floods on material fluxes that are of concern for reef health. It also extends our knowledge of flooding impacts on the environment and societies beyond the modern gauged record. The outcomes of the project form the basis of a larger DES grant application aimed at modelling the impact of extreme floods in the Wet Tropics.
16 Feb 2022 - 15 Jun 2022
Project Type
Extreme floods;Pollutant loads;Great Barrier Reef
Funding Body
Queensland Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (QDETSI)
Project Team
Robert Wasson