Exploring the educational and program impact of strategies to increase high quality GP registrar supervision and training in underserved communities in north-western Queensland (Old ID 25073)
Principal Investigator
This project builds on the previously funded ACRRM ERG - to develop a general practice workforce that is aligned with population health needs and optimising workforce sustainability and training in rural and remote areas. The first project identified underserved communities where GP registrar training capacity could be better targeted by strategically establishing registrar training posts in underserved communities. New training posts have been established or are in development in the underserved areas identified by the first project. This new project will evaluate these new training posts; measuring the educational impact of training in underserved areas and the impact of training posts on local communities.
01 Jul 2018 - 30 Jun 2019
Project Type
Medical Education and workforce
Funding Body
Department of Health and Ageing
Project Team
Louise Young;Bunmi Malau-Aduli;Carole Reeve;Lee Gasser;Richard Hays;Tarun Sen Gupta