Integrated pest management of Crown of Thorns Starfish (Old ID 22525)

Department of the Environment and Energy

Principal Investigator


Successful Crown-of Thorns Starfish (CoTS) management will, for the foreseeable future, depend on manual control at specific sites being effective and efficient. This project will develop an Integrated Pest Management approach to site management, based on a detailed understanding of CoTS ecology and management operations, to protect coral and maximise performance of control activities at economically and ecologically important reefs. It will provide an intelligent, field-deployable decision support tool to guide strategic selection of control activities based on site conditions and management constraints. This approach will be underpinned by new, targeted field work focussed on improving management.


01 Jan 2016 - 01 Dec 2018

Project Type



Coral Reefs;disturbances;Management;Ecology;Crown of Thorns Starfish;Decision Support

Funding Body

Department of the Environment and Energy



Project Team

Vanessa Messmer