Exploring the Long-Term Effects of Probiotic Supplementation in Premature Infants (Old ID 27031)
Principal Investigator
Probiotic supplementation is now standard care for pre-term infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU); significantly reducing the risk of Necrotising Enterocolitis (NEC) and mortality. What is not known is the long-term impact of this probiotic treatment on the developing infant gut microbiome. Evidence from a previous study shows positive effects, however, two important questions remain. 1. Microbes from probiotic supplementation appear to colonize the infant gut, cause positive modulation and reduce the incidence of disease, does this effect persist over the first year of life? 2. Should the criteria for probiotic supplementation be expanded to include all infants?
16 Oct 2020 - 22 Jul 2025
Project Type
Microbiome;Neonatal;NICU;Gut microbiome
Funding Body
Townsville Hospital and Health Service
Project Team
Jacob Westaway;Roger Huerlimann