Abundance, Species Identify and Resilience of Inshore Corals in the Dampier Archipelago (Old ID 23051)

Department of Parks and Wildlife - Western Australia

Principal Investigator


The study will undertake fisheries-independent assessments of the abundance and composition of corals in near shore environments across the Dampier Archipelago. Importantly, detailed sampling will be combined with genetic sampling and analysis to unequivocally establish the species identity of corals, as required for aligning catch data with scientific information on the vulnerability of different coral species. This project will provide important baseline information on the ecological and economic importance of near shore coral assemblages and contribute to the development of monitoring protocols necessary to ensure on-going harvesting is sustainable, even in the face of climate change.


13 Oct 2016 - 29 Nov 2019

Project Type



Corals;Fisheries;Population Deography;Marine Aquarium Industry;Stock Assessment

Funding Body

Department of Parks and Wildlife - Western Australia



Project Team

Cassandra Thompson;Vanessa Messmer