Modelling unseen flow pathways of water and contaminants in the Wet Tropics: the role of alluvial palaeochannels (Old ID 27748)

Queensland Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (QDETSI)

Principal Investigator


Approximately 50% of nitrogen loss from agricultural landscapes in the Wet Tropics occurs via subsurface flow pathways. We know little about the partitioning of subsurface flows, especially through palaeochannels where field evidence shows them to be zones of preferential pathways of water movement and likely nutrients. This project, led by JCU, seeks to develop an adequate understanding of the role palaeochannels play in subsurface flow movement. We then make recommendations to the modelling community on how to model these landscapes better in order to guide intervention measures (e.g. bioreactors, constructed wetlands) to reduce nutrient release into environmentally sensitive coastal areas (GBR).


01 Jul 2022 - 01 Aug 2023

Project Type



Palaeochannels;Contaminant transport;Subsurface flow;Wet Tropics

Funding Body

Queensland Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (QDETSI)



Project Team

Alex Cheesman;Paul Nelson