Sex determination of fruit fly pupa using Near Infrared Spectroscopy. (Old ID 26970)

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Principal Investigator


Implementation of an effective sterile insect program for fruit fly species Bactrocera tryoni requires that only sterile male insects be released. Therefore at some stage of the fly production process the females need to be removed. Hand sexing is very labour intensive and current automated systems based on colour and size are not effective in differentiating between male and female pupae for B. tryoni. Hence, a non-destructive, rapid method of sex separation is required that does not impact on the viability of the pupae and which can be incorporated into a mass rearing system. Preliminary research has demonstrated that Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) has great potential as an objective non-invasive method to sex B. tryoni pupae. The aim of this project is to develop and semi-automate a non-invasive rapid assessment technique to rapidly and consistently sort male and female B. tryoni pupae based on NIRS technology.


23 Sep 2020 - 31 Jan 2023

Project Type



sterile insect program;near infrared spectroscopy;bactrocera tryoni;Automation

Funding Body

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries



Project Team

Eric Wang