Investigation of differential antigen processing and presentation of allergenic vs. non-allergenic tropomyosin (Old ID 22369)

James Cook University

Principal Investigator


Food allergy to shellfish is a rapidly growing concern. Allergen-specific immunotherapy is a well-accepted treatment strategy for IgE-mediated allergic disease to pollen and dust-mites; however, not much progress has been made for food allergies. Tropomyosin, which is the major allergenic protein in shellfish has been structurally and immunologically well characterised by our group. The aim of the proposed research project is to elucidate the mechanisms of differential uptake and presentation of peptides from allergenic and non-allergenic tropomyosin on human dendritic cells. The outcomes of this research will open new avenues for the development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies for shellfish allergy.


19 Oct 2015 - 30 Sep 2016

Project Type



Food Allergy;Shellfish;Immunotherapy;hypoallergen;Lysosomal degradation;MHC

Funding Body

James Cook University



Project Team

Ludwig Lopata