Genomics for Undiagnosed Infectious Disease Evaluation and Diagnosis in Northern Australia (GUIDED-North Australia) (Old ID 23362)

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

Principal Investigator


The early detection and diagnosis of infectious diseases currently relies on a best guess of likely causative agents with specific testing for those agents. In this project, we aim to evaluate a genomics approach for the diagnosis of febrile illnesses of unknown cause in Northern Australia. The project will be conducted in major hospitals across three different regions of Northern Australia: Cairns (Queensland), Darwin (Northern Territory) and Broome (Western Australia). It is likely that most emerging infectious diseases initially present as undifferentiated fevers. It follows then that investigation of undifferentiated fevers provides targeted surveillance for new and emerging infectious diseases.


01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019

Project Type



Genomics;Fever;Tropical;Emerging Infectious Diseases;Northern Australia

Funding Body

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)



Project Team

John McBride;Matt Field