Developing culturally appropriate mental health assessment tools for older adults living in the Torres Strait (Old ID 27220)
Principal Investigator
The aim of the study is to develop culturally appropriate mental health assessment tools for older adults (e.g. aged 45 and over) living in the Torres Strait. Data from yarning circles with Torres Strait community members and health care staff will be used to identify how mental health disorders are expressed in the Torres Strait. A Delphi process will then be used to identify appropriate tools for assessing these domains of mental ill health for use in older adults in the Torres Strait. These tools will then be piloted to determine acceptability and validated for use in the Torres Strait.
01 Jul 2021 - 31 Dec 2025
Project Type
Mental Health;Geriatrics;Torres Strait Islander People
Funding Body
Ian Potter Foundation, Queensland Health
Project Team
Diane Cadet-James;Rachel Quigley