Crown-of-thorns starfish: surveillance and life history (Old ID 24993)

Department of the Environment and Energy

Principal Investigator


This project supports the implementation of the NESP Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Integrated Pest Management Project's management and research strategy by i) describing ecological parameters key to parameterizing the tools underpinning the management strategy, ii) analysing existing data sets to assess management performance and describe the interaction between CoTS and bleaching, and , iii) scoping new technologies and surveillance strategies for detecting and monitoring primary and secondary outbreaks. The work will involve a combination of field ecological research, statistical analysis of existing data, technology and strategy development (the latter through workshops) and inform decision making through incorporation into decision support tools and recommendations.


01 Jan 2018 - 10 Sep 2020

Project Type



Coral Reefs;Management;Disturbance;Surveillance;Biology;Acanthaster

Funding Body

Department of the Environment and Energy



Project Team

Vanessa Messmer