Sustainable usE And Benefits fOR marinE (SEABORNE) (Old ID 27498)

Great Barrier Reef Foundation

Principal Investigator


There exists a large amount of data on Great Barrier Reef use and users and the values and benefits derived. Yet despite the volume of information on current data, it tends to be dispersed and not always in the best form to inform GBRMPAs key questions around management decisions or to enable a complete understanding of progress towards Reef 2050 targets over time. Through co-design with the Great Barrier Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), the collaborative CSIRO, JCU and CQU team will: analyse the extent and quality of existing data to understand users, their uses and sustainable benefit through time; identify key gaps in data; prioritise data gaps that need addressing; and design and test a monitoring program to continue and improve the supply of critical data into the future.


01 Nov 2021 - 31 Aug 2024

Project Type



Barrier Reef;Spatial;Benefits;Monitoring;Sustainable;Values

Funding Body

Great Barrier Reef Foundation



Project Team

Victoria Graham