Hub Mission Leader (Old ID 27433)

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Principal Investigator


Delivering the Hub Mission focused on threatened and migratory species and threatened ecological communities. As stated in the Resilient Landscapes Hub research scope, the Activity Outcomes related to the cross-cutting Mission includes: i Delivering tools and advice to support the conservation of habitat important for priority threatened species, threatened ecological communities and migratory species; ii Updating the National list of threatened ecological communities and species; iii Improving detection of cryptic, ‘difficult’ and other data deficient species; and iv Monitoring and supporting the management of species / community recovery post extreme events. Service to be provided by Professor Helene Marsh, a researcher of international repute able to drive multidisciplinary outcomes, deliver outputs into national information repositories and guide relevant investment across the four research hubs.


01 Jul 2021 - 30 Jun 2024

Project Type



threatened species;threatened ecological communities;migratory species;extreme events;development concern

Funding Body

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment



Project Team