Sustainable use of tailings as land-fill and non-structural construction material - Phase 1 (Old ID 27170)
Principal Investigator
The central aim of the project is the assessment of blended residue from Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub (TECH) for sustainable use. Tailings can be processed to remove the acidic content or mixed with binder to become safe backfill or non-structural materials. TECH proposed to process annually 600,000 tons of high grenade Nickel and Cobalt ore. Phase 1 of the project will undertake physical, chemical, geotechnical and engineering strength tests on tailings from TECH to estimate the limits and to assess characteristics, including the acid-insoluble content of the tailings. The understanding will help to develop research in phase 2 and 3.
01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021
Project Type
Tailings;Environmental Impact;Recycled Material;Backfill;Electro-Kinetic;Pyrolysis
Funding Body
Queensland Pacific Metals
Project Team
Mohan Jacob;Yinghe He;Rabin Tuladhar;Siva Sivakugan