An investigation of multiple paternity in the endangered narrow sawfish, Anoxypristis cuspidata (Old ID 23312)
Principal Investigator
This genetics-based project will investigate multiple paternity in the endangered narrow sawfish for the first time. Sawfishes are arguably the most vulnerable of all marine fishes. Despite this, most aspects of their ecology and reproductive behaviour are poorly understood. A bycatch event of 25 pregnant females in Princess Charlotte Bay has provided a rare opportunity to explore multiple paternity in this species across a large number of litters. Using neutral molecular markers (microsatellites), this study will fill an important knowledge gap and provide information critical to effective conservation and management of this endangered species.
28 Nov 2017 - 31 Dec 2018
Project Type
Anoxypristis cuspidata (Pristidae);narrow sawfish;endangered;multiple paternity;microsatellites;conservation genetics
Funding Body
SeaWorld Research and Rescue Foundation Inc
Project Team
Claire Gauci;Lynne Van Herwerden