Northern Aquaculture Industry Situational Analysis (Old ID 26272)

CRC for Developing Northern Australia Scheme

Principal Investigator


This project will identify key challenges and opportunities facing the North Australian aquaculture sector and explore potential solutions and/or identify the most strategic research projects for further investment. This will include and not be limited to: infrastructure, policy, investment, environmental, production, knoweldge, training and human capital gaps and the research or alternative solutions to address them. The project will be delivered through a literature review, development of the 'Northern aquaculture industry vision 2028' in consultation with indigenous and non-indigenous stakholders, desktop study and SWOT analysis, and the situational analysis report.


31 Jan 2019 - 11 Feb 2020

Project Type



Northern Australia;Aquaculture

Funding Body

CRC for Developing Northern Australia Scheme



Project Team

Rocky De Nys;Kyall Zenger;Amy Diedrich;Jennifer Cobcroft;Jan Strugnell;Sandra Hughes;Chaoshu Zeng