Predicting genetic exchange between species under climate change (Old ID 27104)
Principal Investigator
This project aims to resolve the factors that lead to the mixing of species’ gene pools, with a focus on whether climate change will increase such mixing, possibly leading to extinction by genetic swamping. The significance is that the project would improve our understanding of speciation and species’ vulnerability to rapid climate change through genetic mixing; a largely overlooked process. Key outcomes would be to generate new knowledge of a fundamental evolutionary process and extend the toolbox of biodiversity managers facing rapid environmental change. The project would benefit Australia by highlighting our unique biodiversity and scientific capability, and by training early career researchers in advanced evolutionary biology.
01 Apr 2021 - 30 Apr 2024
Project Type
Climate Change;Introgression;Genetic swamping;Pheromones;Heteronotia geckos (Family Gekkonidae);Gehyra geckos (Family Gekkonidae)
Funding Body
Australian Research Council (ARC)
Project Team
Conrad Hoskin