The potential for indium mineralization in the Herberton Mineral Field, NE QLD (Old ID 26820)

Department of the Environment and Energy

Principal Investigator


The project aims to: 1. Investigate the mineralogy, paragenesis and geochemistry of indium at the Baal Gammon deposit and other similar occurrences in the region; 2. Determine the distribution of indium in the host rocks; 3. Identify the factors controlling the location and formation of the indium mineralisation and; 4. Discover mineralogical, textural and geochemical zoning patterns that could be used as vectors to ore. In so doing, we will identify the factors controlling the location and formation of the indium mineralization in association with tin-tungsten and polymetallic ore deposits. A geological model will be developed for use in exploration targeting.


05 Apr 2020 - 31 Jan 2024

Project Type



Indium;Herberton;Metallogenesis;North East Queensland;Mineralisation;Critical Minerals

Funding Body

Department of the Environment and Energy



Project Team

Paul Dirks;Avish Kumar